Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life In Dunedin

So, last week was quite busy - even despite the fact that I'm still not employed...

Tuesday, we took Hedwig to see the tire specialists cuz she tended to list STRONGLY to the right, and when that's the side the traffic is coming from it doesn't bode well for car longevity.  So, 30 minutes later, they called me and said that the passenger side tires had lost their structural integrity and weren't staying round anymore. :(  2 new tires later, Hedwig is good to go and I've actually been driving her!!  I've stalled many times now, but I've still yet to hit anything (knock on wood).

Tuesday night, I went to water aerobics with Laura and her friend Cathy from curling.  I've never actually done water aerobics before but it was fun!  The pool is heated so that's fabulous.  And we used the woggles a lot.  Woggle = noodle, those fun colored pool noodles.  The first time the instructor mentioned the woggles I had NO idea what she meant.  Fortunately, I'm a quick study so I figured it out.  It also helped that the other 20 women went straight for the pool noodles so I'm sure that helped me.  Laura and I are going again tonight!

Wednesday, Vanessa and I got up SUPER early to go walking.  We left the house at 6:45 am (hey, that's super early for me) and drove into town to meet up with 2 University of Otago students who are walking the length of New Zealand to bring awareness to children being sold into the sex industry.  Interesting fact, the sex industry is unionized!  Laura finds endless amusement in this fact.  I digress...  So Vanessa and I and 4 other people who work with Laura and Vanessa at the University, walked with these two students, Tim and Kate, out of Dunedin north on the way to Waitati.

The first part of the walk was lovely.  It was flat.  So for half an hour or so we walked and talked and enjoyed the fact that it was sunny and warm since rainy weather and a cold breeze would have been most unenjoyable.  Then, we started to go up, as you cannot fail to do while walking in Dunedin.  I was just keen to keep up the pace I had been making but the hill kept going! and going... and getting steeper...and going...so I stopped to take pictures.  Honest, I wasn't stopping cuz I was huffing and puffing
View of Dunedin from somewhere up the hill
The calves lined up to cheer us on our walk... so cute!
We finally reached the top of the hill and stopped for orange slices that Donna had brought and photos:
Kate, Tim and Vanessa (eating an orange) at the top of the hill

Proof that I made it and didn't send my camera up with Vanessa
Fortunately, people had 9am meetings to get to so Laura drove up and picked us up from the top of the hill but not after catching this gorgeous view of Otago Harbour

So we drove back down to the University.  Then I accompanied Laura and Dan (who works with her) to the store where we got donuts and coffee before I walked home.  Uphill.  Again.  Me not so smart.  I literally walked uphill both ways... but a donut has never tasted SOOOOO good at the end of a walk.

That night, Laura and Todd and I went back to the university to attend the Pecha Kucha night.  "Pecha Kucha" is Japanese for "chit chat".  An architecture firm in Japan, back in 2003, started a night where a presenter shows 20 images for 20 seconds each and talks about each picture.  Now it has grown and occurs in 300+ cities around the world where presenters choose 20 images on a topic of great personal interest.  Check it out:  www.pecha-kucha.org  

We heard from 11 presenters including an archivalist at the University Library who presented old Dunedin business letterheads with the picture of the business' building on it, so a wee history lesson there; a woman who started a business trimming clothing with possum fur; a scientist who studied brachiopods - strange creatures that remind me of barnacles, but the scientist was funny so we laughed instead of snored.  There were also 3 architects who work at firms here in Dunedin.  So, during the intermissions, I networked and got contact information and sent them all my resume when I got home.  Still waiting to hear back from one guy...but fingers crossed maybe it'll work out.  Otherwise, I'm off to the vineyards!

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