Monday, November 22, 2010

Auckland to Dunedin, Finale aka Day 4

Wednesday morning, we got up super early to try and catch the 7:15 whale watch.  However, there was a "strong seasickness warning" and we figured that 3 seasick people driving for 8 hours would NOT be a good idea.  So we skipped that, left early, and started our last leg to Dunedin.

We drove through the Marlborough wine country and passed field after field of vines and winerys.  Sadly, none were open because we were so early.  The one winery we did stop at was under renovation :(  but the man I spoke with is heading to New York next year to visit his daughter who married a New Yorker!  I digress...

Once we hit Canterbury the roads got a lot straighter.  So Todd pulled over and we swapped places and I finally got to drive my car!  On the right side of the road.  AND I didn't stall or hit anything or anyone.  All in all, a successful longest drive for me in a standard.  But cars passing you on the right in the opposite direction is rather disconcerting...

Todd took this picture - but it was the longest he dared look away from the road while I was driving

We kept driving and driving, and finally got to Dunedin where we met up with Vanessa who was happy to have her Americans back plus 1.  Beans on toast for dinner, and alas, it’s come to the point, after 4 ½ weeks of being on vacation, that despite my minimal level of cuteness that draws people to support me financially and unconditionally... I have to go out job hunting.

Ode to Hedwig, Teo Ma Ruru:

And other fun/funny things:

1 comment:

  1. what a great experience, and thanks for keeping those of us stuck in maine, and elsewhere cold and rainy, updated on such a different world! i hope you are having a blast, though i would lose about 50 lbs because the food is way different than i could handle lol. keep the pics coming, they are great! love the sugarloaf sticker on the car:)
