Sunday, April 24, 2011

Moving Up and Out - literally

my new residence
my street - hence the necessity
for a good handbrake
After I worked at No. 7 for a couple weeks, I had amassed enough money (and enough of an idea how much I would continue to earn) to move into M’s house.  M lives up the hill from V, so I really did move UP, and not just up a little ways either.  Shetland Street is STEEP.  When I first moved I was mostly nervous about parking my car on the street and having the brake let go and seeing/hearing my car careen down the hill hitting numerous cars in its path.  That hasn’t happened yet so I’m feeling a lot more confident about my hand brake, but I still try to park facing downhill with my wheels into the curb…just in case :)

luna loving me shortly after moving in
M is awesome.  We’re both night-owls and are constantly amused by the crazy cat she has: Luna.  Luna is funny looking but I still think she’s quite cute.  When I first moved in, I tried to keep her out of my room as I’m technically allergic to cats and sleeping amidst cat hair is not a good environment for me.  She would (and still does) sneak in because now my room is “forbidden territory” and therefore intriguing.  Although intriguing, apparently I’m also scary because as soon as she sees me she bolts.  However, I've lived with Luna long enough that she no longer makes me sneeze.

lune in bed with me
When M is at work, however, I’m Luna’s new best friend.  My theory is I’m the warmest thing in the house and therefore perfect for napping on.  Regardless of what I’m doing, using a laptop not excluded, she will push her way on to my lap and get comfortable - typing or knitting thereafter be darned.  When I’m brushing my teeth, she’ll jump onto the countertop and climb up my stomach and shirt and situate herself horribly awkwardly on my shoulders because not touching her for more than 3 minutes is unacceptable.  M calls this “smooch-y”.  I’m not exactly sure what that word means, but it seems to describe Luna quite perfectly.  She gets smooch-y a lot.  Just try to video skype me and you’ll see what I mean.

luna looking for attention while
i brush my teeth

Luna is also quite traitorous.  She’ll be insistently smooch-y all day when M is away, but as soon as the key is in the door, Luna is off my lap and waiting impatiently for M to pick her up and love her while adamantly refusing to admit there’s another person in the house she was just canoodling with.  While M is home, Luna will fully ignore me, but she’ll be back on my lap 30 minutes after M has gone to bed.  However, over the past few months, Luna has decided that it’s ok to visit with me even when M is home.  I’ve never met a cat who requires this much attention.

So, living on my own (more or less) again is lovely.  I have a big girl bed again and drawers!  I’m no longer living out of a bag!  I can also close the door on my mess and no one but me can complain about it.  I’m feeling quite settled and at home now.  I have a car, a home and a job - and people besides me sister to hang out with.  I think we’re ALL quite happy with this arrangement :)